5 things to look for when you need web designer

web design

Is your current website optimally supporting your business? In essence, is it driving sales?


Many web designers primarily focus on the aesthetic aspect of a website while encouraging using off-page search engine optimization (SEO) to increase traffic and sales which can be expensive. The main objective of commissioning a professional web designer is not only for creating visually appealing websites but also for ensuring optimal performance and more significantly, realizing return on investment.


With software becoming easier to handle, there has been an upsurge in the number of web developers recently due to software ourtheir like Wix and Godaddy, this is akin to how Microsoft Word and Adobe design software became widely accessible in the early 2000s. This encouraged local community members to venture into publishing work as they believed they could become publishers themselves. Therefore, it remains imperative that you conduct thorough research into the credibility of any prospective web developer under consideration before making a decision. Key indicators such as customer reviews and recent portfolio are crucial factors that can give you an idea about their skills.


An additional aspect worth considering: Does your prospective Web Designer have an established office location? This detail might seem insignificant at first glance; however, from our experience operating from our Bristol office, numerous clients have expressed appreciation for having face-to-face interactions with us which adds value due to easy accessibility and direct communication about their websites.


An additional element to consider is whether the website developer undertakes the task of building your site personally. The value in this often raises queries, and rightfully so. A hands-on involvement from your web developer means a more intimate collaboration which permits faster updates and quicker tweaks to your website. This arrangement offers financial advantages as well, as their direct engagement reduces intermediary costs that can potentially cost thousands. Instead, it utilises self-allocated time ensuring that you only meet expenses aligned with the web design process itself rather than unnecessary overheads.


5 things to look for when you need web designer


  1. What is Their Web Design Process?
  2. Do They Have a Great Web Design Portfolio?
  3. Do Their Expertise Match Your Project’s Requirments?
  4. Do Your Personalities Compliment Each Other?
  5. Does Your Web Designer’s Location Matter?
  6. Is Their Web Design Pricing Reasonable?


Ready to get started with your new website? Call us today to discuss your needs

If you’re in search of a web design company with over 30 years of graphic design experience and the necessary tools to create a fully functional website, look no further. Contact us today to get started on building a website that will showcase your business and attract customers.