- I meet you at a chosen location
- When you show up we discuss what you want for your photos, and review any sample photographs online.
- We will periodically review pictures on camera to make sure you are getting the images you want.
- At the end of the photoshoot session I will send you a link to download all raw high resolution digital photos for you to view (usually the same day). You can send the link to friends, agents, and family to get their opinion on which photos you should choose.
- Email me with the image number of the photos(s) you want retouched.
- I will email you a retouched proof for you to approve. Once approved I will upload the photo(s) to your website gallery folder.
More Photography

Captured on the 19th of August at Padstow Harbour, Cornwall
Here you can see one of our pictures that one in a photography competition in Portishead –
Judged by an official photographer in LRPS, CPAGB, AFIAP, APAGB, Peter Young