Hiring the right person for the job

What I’m talking about here is hiring a friend or family member to complete a specific task or job that you have.
Specifically, when it comes to creating a website!
If you have tried to build a website yourself and not succeeded how likely is it that hiring a friend or family member can not complete your task either.
However, this can work out absolutely fine if they are just learning or doing this as a hobby but if you’re a business owner trying to run a successful business this could have a negative impact on your business or relationship with them.
Some of the key factors to look out for when getting a friend or family member to help.
- Is this their full-time job?
- Your competition didn’t hire their family member or friend
- Revision and updates
- Website hosting
All of these factors above could play a big part in your business, why settle for less.
Are your friend and family members able to make sure the website works on all devices, as well as can they fit it if anything goes wrong when you need it to be fixed?
Did you know that 60% of consumers start their research through a search engine?
Some of the reasons for hiring a web designer is a great idea for you and your business
- They do this for a living
- They can help make a better website than your competitors
- Visibility is key to having a successful website
- Maintenance
- Can help with other tasks like getting a domain and hosting
If this is a hobby or just to mess around with a website then I would highly suggest having ago at it yourself or having help from a family member or friend who might have built a web page or website before. However, if you’re running a business then go and do some research on hiring a website designers in your local area or city and find the best one to choose for your specific job.
If this is for a business this small to medium size investment could have a huge impact on your business
Useful links