Do you know our green web hosting can help
improve your carbon footprint!

By using our services, you can help do your bit in saving the environment. All of our website servers are powered by renewable energy sources, ensuring that your website has a minimal carbon footprint.

We have made sure that PUE (Power Usage effectiveness) is at the lowest in can be, most green energy servers are at 1.2 PUE, we decided we could do better and have achieved a PUE rating of 1.12.

Choose us for your eco-friendly web hosting solution!


Our green web hosting packages are specifically designed to cater to the evolving needs of your business.

With our business hosting service priced at £25 per month, we also provide a comprehensive website maintenance service. This includes regular updates to images, phone numbers, and text content and back end website support that will adapt alongside your growing business.

Our aim is to support you in focusing on your core responsibilities without having to undergo lengthy video tutorials on website updates.

Also, all our web hosting packages come with domain registration, unlimited storage space, and SSL certificates to ensure optimal security for your website.

If you would like more information about our eco-friendly web hosting prices click here.

green website hosting


Customer satisfaction
Hosted websites

We’ve explained below what’s included in our  green website hosting packages.


Domain Name Registration

We can obtain domain names and register them every year for you. Releaving you the stress of renewal dates.  The domain is normally your business name; eg – www.”directlocalwebsites” We offer may different TLD such as, .com, .net and more.

SSL Certification

All of our green website hosting packages come with SSL certification (secure socket layer) helping you and your customers be safe online, with the emails and other personal data being encrypted to defer, hackers.

Business Email

Along with your green hosting, we also help you create a business email(s) helping you look more professional than having a .gmail or .outlook email for your business.

Unlimited Memory

Many hosting providers limit your memory space, leading to potential issues when updating your website with new content, images, or videos. Choose our hosting packages for unlimited space.

Microsoft Office 365

Setup of Microsoft Office 365, which includes, Word, Powerpoint, Excel and Onedrive.


Experience seamless website updates with our web design services. Unlike other hosting companies that merely host your site, we go the extra mile. As a web design company, we specialise in updates like text changes and image additions.